I tried to change the logging level in my Google App Engine app to FINE to see what was happening in Sitebricks. I edited the /WEB-INF/logging.properties file to read:
.level = INFO
com.google.sitebricks.level = FINE
But still only WARN messages were logged to the console.
Finally I realised that on the launcher dialogue panel for GWT I had to also set the level to DEBUG. But when I did that the console was flooded with GWT compile messages. This is due to a new bug in GAE's logging where it tries to use the same settings as GWT but gives you no control of the GWT part.
So I installed a simple logging handler to get around this:
Put this in app init
if (isDevelopment())
Logger.getLogger("").addHandler(new WorkaroundHander());
public boolean isDevelopment()
return System.getProperty("com.google.appengine.runtime.environment").equals("Development");
private static class WorkaroundHander extends Handler
public WorkaroundHander()
setFormatter(new TextLogFormatter(false));
public void publish(LogRecord record)
if (isLoggable(record))
public void flush()
public void close() throws SecurityException
Now I I happily see all the FINE messages that Sitebricks has for me.