Saturday, July 23, 2011

GWT Developer mode quietly failing

I got this error message starting GWT dev server but no exception in the dev mode console.

"Plugin failed to connect to development mode server at localhost:9997"

It had been running fine last time I debugged my GWT stuff so why not now?

In the end I had old App Engine jars in my class path after upgrading to the latest and greatest.

In summary: check your app classpath and also your WEB-INF/lib folders for older versions still hanging about.

Friday, July 22, 2011

We have Citikey!

Just launched the new version of Citikey a free business listing service for the UK.

Its built using the Google stack: Google App Engine, Google Web Toolkit, Google Maps.

Friday, July 1, 2011 400 Bad Request

I got this error message trying to log into Google App Engine using the Eclipse plugin.  I think the error can occur with any Google API that uses OAuth. 400 Bad Request

The solution was to correct my system clock.  The time had become incorrect for some weird Windows reason (time to go back to using a mac) and adjusting it fixed the problem.