Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Eclipse on Mac - Delete key not working

On a Mac laptop the delete key is a backwards delete, not a forwards delete, and so it does not work out-of-the-box with Eclipse.  To fix this just go to Preferences > General > Keys and find Delete.  Remove the binding and then select the delete key again from the drop down to the right.  That should do it!


Steve C said...

Curious. It works just fine on my MacBook Pro, and always has done.

Vercer Development said...

Hmmm strange, when I searched for this problem I found other MacBook Pro users also having the same issue. Perhaps its a regression to a previous bug that was fixed for some time.

Actually I have now found that my [delete] key now works as a forward delete (only in Eclipse) which is slightly annoying

Vercer Development said...

To be more clear, the original problem I had was deleting resources. When I would select a file in the project explorer and hit delete nothing would happen. I needed to press [Fn]+[delete].

I have now pressed "Restore Defaults" because I could not see a way to make the delete key delete resources but not become a forward-delete when editing.